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Monday, April 07, 2008

2 years old today!

Where has two years gone???? It's crazy to think that we have a two year old little boy - but the proof is "right here", as he says "I'm right here Mama" patting his chest when I call him. He really is the most amazing little thing, he astounds me every day with what he knows and his amazing nature and delightful personality. I'm so proud to say I'm his mother and it makes my heart smile when he says "I love you Mama". He truly is a lovely, lovely little boy.

We had a quiet day at home yesterday after the crazy birthday party, we did some painting - that ended up with the three of us being painted. Caelan thought it was great fun to paint Mama and Daddy, while we painted him!

He started today with a special birthday hot chocolate drink with his weetbix this morning and had a lovely morning with Lily who came to play with him for his birthday till just after lunch. What a nice day for him!

Oh here's a pic of some of the kids playing on the trampoline at his birthday party and then some of painting yesterday and birthday breakfast today, then playing with Lily.

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