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Monday, September 04, 2006

He's huge!!

Our little budda is now 9.03kg and 68.5cm and doing incredibly well - well that's what our Plunket nurse said this morning anyway! As usual I found it a complete waste of time aside from the weigh and measure. The weekend was great, we were able to go out to friends for dinner on Friday night and our good little boy took a bottle from Grandma and Granddad - horray. He was really good for them and went straight back to bed - BUT woke at 3:3am. GGRRRRRRRR! We think it just must have been because it wasn't us who put him to bed, can't think of any other reason cause he's been sleeping through the night for yonks. Chris went in and calmed him down and rocked him back to sleep - he's such a good'un! Of course it wouldn't have worked had I gone in to try as I'm feeding lady - he would have wanted to feed instead then. Well that's what we think anyway - poor Chris! The rest of the weekend was great and Chris loved his first Fathers Day yesterday - we showed him how much we love him :)

The last three photos are of Caelan's friends from coffee group - Bella, Tyler, Liam and Porter.


Cooper said...

Go Caelan go! At this rate you'll definately be an AB for sure!

Very cute babies, isn't it funny how they all look so distinctively different!

Catch you both later this week for walkies if the weather holds out.
Maria and George

Saffron said...

Kickboxer - he'll be a kickboxer! hehehe

Shellie said...

omigod Caelan your HUGE!!! I wonder who would squish who, you or Jason???
well done cutie, and I like your red t-shirt!