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Friday, July 07, 2006

Ah he aint so bad

He's no longer trying to kill me, or make me kill him! Things have improved again - thank goodness! Something has worked... not sure if the the upped dosage of losec or if Dr Phillips fixed him, like he was convinced he had or if he was just going through a bad patch and is now having a better one... Who knows? I sure don't but I'm glad for this nicer time.

It was really interesting, REALLY interesting. Blew my mind actually! This neurophysiological stuff is amazing, well if it works it's amazing! If it doesn't he's really clever and making A LOT of money from us suckers. I hope it works and from what he explained and what I've read on it, it's something I agree with. It makes sense to me. Let's hope it makes sense to Caelan. The doctor did his thing and said that something was out in the base of Caelan's spine, I think! Or at least in that area! Wish I had a dictaphone because I was just amazed by it all and don't really remember much. He also said that Caelan had a fungal infection in his stomach and that's what's causing the reflux. He said that he'd fixed that and the infection would clear up in 48 hours and we would notice a difference within a week. Hallelujah! He said when we go back in two weeks he's expecting to see major improvements. And to call him if we don't notice an improvement within a week. And I've gotta say there's been a definate improvement in the last two days. He's so much more relaxed and happy, feeding better, sleeping better, no huge bouts of screaming for hours (praise the lord!). He's also back to sleeping through the night - for the last two nights he's slept from 9:30pm to 7:30am again. So who knows what is working - it could be the higher dosage of losec, it could be Mr Freaky Doctor Man, it could be just that the bad patch was only gonna last that long... I have no idea. But I'm sooooooo THANKFUL!

He's exactly three months old today and 13 weeks old and my how he's grown! He's already 7.2kg - well he was last week, sure is growing well!

I love looking at my book.

Just about to go for one of our evening walks - Mummy and Daddy wrap me up nice and warm.

Little Budda!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's a real cutie saff! I've been wondering how you guys are doing, so I'm glad to see things are improving. I notice that Caelan (love the name) is exactly a week younger than my girl! :) ~ bugandbearsmum