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Thursday, July 20, 2006

All in the Clark household rejoiced!

Caelan slept through the night again last night! No more of this horrid waking at 5:30am!!! He went to bed at 8:30pm and slept till 7:30am – wahoooooo! Hopefully this means we’re back to doing this every night. Well his cold is pretty much completely gone, sooooo fingers crossed.

What dribble?

Aren't I special? My bib has my name on it - thanks to my lovely Aunty Kylie in London.

Playing under my new musical gym that Grandma and Granddad got me. I love it!

Eating my pears this morning - yummo!

1 comment:

little girl said...

yaaaaaaay caelan looks so COOL in his bib !!!!