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Monday, June 12, 2006

He talks and giggles!!

We had a LOVELY time yesterday! It was an amazing morning - Caelan was so happy; didn't scream or squirm, fed well, was happy, smiling, giggling and talking with us and slept when it was sleep time. It was so nice. We even went to check out Sylvia Park and he slept the whole time in the car and his buggy - this never happens! It was like having a normal, healthy, happy baby. The losec must be starting to work! HORRAY!!!! He was back to the normal grizzly Caelan in the afternoon and had problems feeding due to pain, then didn't sleep well but it was a fantastic weekend because of that half day.

We had a visit on Friday afternoon from friends - Maria and little George - and of course the whole time they were here Caelan was a perfect angel! When they left it was bedtime and the screaming began and contined till about 7:15pm when Mummy and Daddy walked out the door. Yep that's right we'd had enough! Seriously though, we went out to dinner and it was a lovely to get a break, of course we talked about Caelan the whole time! hehe Grandma and Granddad looked after Caelan who screamed most of the time and finally slept after a little sit up in his bouncer. Uncle Matt and Crystal visited on Saturday afternoon and were amazed at how much he'd grown and changed.

It's times like yesterday morning which'll keep us sane and make all the bad seem manageable I'm sure.

I'm a big boy now Uncle Matt!

Me and my Mummy.

I find it so funny when Mummy pretends to eat my legs.

Can ya give me some help here?!

No more photos!

1 comment:

Cooper said...

Yay Caelan! You are a very good boy for giving your Mummy and Daddy some fun time with you... isn't it nicer to laugh and smile than cry?

Great news that the Losec is working guys! I'm really happy for you! Saff, just a reminder to book in for that baby massage course at Meadowbank Plunket. I'm booked in for the 11.30am one if you wanna come along? Should be fun (that's if the boys behave!).